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Slot Requests and Challenges Post Here


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Hey guys, post your slot requests and sensible slot challenge ideas here. I'll try and play them all but some may take longer to get to than others.

Slot challenge ideas can be anything sensible and within reach, such as 'play such and such Blueprint for every bonus', 'try to get 50 free spins on...'. That kind of thing.

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How about some kind of timed challenge such as £200 in and how much you can turn that into in say 20 minutes. When the time is up you stop and the first one becomes the record and therafter you try to set a new one... The more you gamble the bigger the reward or loss... you can change games but not terminals and all spins are shown ensuring every upload is 20 minutes long.  

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Most online slots have more then 1 page so do a random page pick from a number generator then do the same for the slots (so if there is 10 pages of slots and 100 slots on each page  do a number generator from 1-10 for page then 1-100 for slots)and then whatever slot you land on you have to bonus/free spins.....or multiple selections for a  bonus hunt 

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Just had another idea you could do a online follow on video where you pick 5 slots to bonus each day so say you start on the Tuesday with 2k and try to make it to the Friday with all 20 bonuses completed with a profit or as little lose as possible (with no reloads allowed)

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