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Corona virus - General Discussion - Stop and Step

Corona virus


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I could give up FOBTs regardless. The £2 stake saw to that. Pub slots is my vice. Don't feel the urge online either now.

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If it is 18 months as has beens speculated there won't be an economy left. And any sportingeevent won't matter at all. It will be horrific. Even if its only 6 months what will the country look like?


I work for the second biggest by size and largest by market share company in my industry and we are theoretically healthy enough to weather a big storm but it counts for nothing if the public has no money to spend in 6 months. I fear for my colleagues with less than 2 years service as its just so easy to ditch them if it gets really messy. Over 600 people in my office. I'm in the longest serving 3% of them so fortunately redundancy value will likely shield me although redeployment to a new less fulfilling role may be on the cards.

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3 hours ago, Mick said:

..anybody going in a bookies using their touchscreens is clearly a selfish or brainless or compulsive gambler. Infact the bookies should do their bit and turn them off, they have made billions from them so a few months of nothing will not help and all gamblers will just go online and give the money that way so makes no odds

You clearly don't like fobt's, but turning them off would make zero difference to the spread of the virus. By that logic, the entire transport network would need to be shut down, anything the population touches regularly would need to be cordoned off or turn off; hand rails, trolleys, self-service machines, petrol pumps, door handles..


 I then punched the FOBT as hard as I could

I hope you've self-excluded yourself from all betting shops?

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Wrong. You most certainly can get the virus from a FOBT just the same as you can from door handles, cash machines and shopping paypoints. If someone coughs on their hand and then touches cold hard surface then it can be picked up and spread. Why do you think the government recommends regular hand washing and not touching your face(eyes, nose mouth). 

Viruses can last many hours on glass. 

If you are going to use places like betting shops then you  run a big risk. At least take a hand sanitiser before you go in (so you dont take it in with you) and when you leave (so you don't take it away with you).

BTW the government seems to think that touch is not the primary way the virus spreads. When someone coughs they put millions of tiny virus droplets into the air. So government also recommends you stay a couple of metres away from other people. Betting shops/arcades are not good places to be if you want to avoid the virus. 




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