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Under 18's to be Banned from Playing £5 Jackpot Fruit Machines - General Discussion - Stop and Step

Under 18's to be Banned from Playing £5 Jackpot Fruit Machines


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BACTA is finally banning under 18's from playing fruit machines. The ban will come into force on the 1st of March 2021. 

Bacta president James Miller said the new age restriction would send a message to customers that family seaside amusement arcades are safe environments for all families.

“Our members are all about providing fun and entertainment to the whole family as part of their annual holiday or day trip to the seaside,” Miller said.

“We take social responsibility extremely seriously and although Category D cash payout fruit machines operate at very low stake and prize limits which are predominately played by adults for fun and nostalgia, we wanted to do our utmost and limit any potential risks to gambling harm.”

Bacta chief executive John White added: “Category D fruit machines have been long considered as part of the entertainment offer associated with seaside holidays and a trip to the arcade. Regulators in the past have therefore not imposed an age restriction on them.

“However, our members understand that perceptions change and we want to ensure that we do everything possible to protect players.” 

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S&S is this really an big issue? Looking at the types Cat D seems very low key to me? I know gambling is gambling but 10p games for a fiver is not exactly going to set the playground alight.


D money prize



D non-money prize
(other than crane grab machine)



D non-money prize
(crane grab machine)



D combined money and non-money prize
(other than coin pusher or penny falls machines)


£8 (of which no more than £5 may be a money prize)

D combined money and non-money prize
(coin pusher or penny falls machine)


£20 (of which no more than £10 may be a money prize)

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They’re definitely abundant here in Southend, although not as many as there used to be as a lot of arcades seem to be changing over to paying out tickets (which you can exchange for cheap plastic toys and sweets) rather than cash.

I honestly think this ruling is about 20 years too late. I first played fruit machines when I was in primary school (without my parents’ knowledge by the way) on 2p play back in the late 80s. Then during the 90s when I was earning big money through my paper round *cough* upped my stake to 5p play. It then carried on through a part time job, then full time employment and it became a staple of my life in the late 90s early 2000s. Go to the pub, buy a pint with a tenner and ask for the change in pound coins so I could give the fruity a go. Bad habit, lost £1000s over time but just became ‘what I do’. I did have a road to Damascus moment in mid 2000s and thought ‘this is utterly pointless. And I hate all these Deal Or No Deal machines they have now...’

Gambling is gambling, whether you’re a kid with a fiver in pocket money or an adult taking home a nice monthly wage. It’s a dopamine rush. To me, it’s like saying kids can smoke, but only the lighter cigarettes like Silk Cut. They definitely can’t have Marlboro Red until they’re 18. 

As a side note, it had always confused me why they banned me from trying out free play games online without registering with that casino whilst kids could happily throw away real cash in fruit machines. 

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I wonder how this will effect floor space? Our seaside fronts like most have the “over 18” machines sectioned off and the 5 pounders on the main floor with all the regular machines. Service stations are all in the over 18’s anyway, to be honest, the odd times we visit our sea front, never seen the young ones on any £5 fruits anyway.

I think its the right thing to do though. It was only the pubs that got me and my bro’s on the slots, that was when they were £35 pound jacky’s!

was it £35 then £50 (which was short lived) then 75?? Now obviously the big 100! 😂

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a 50 pound win version was actually released it got very little use as when it went out  on test it wasnt a balanced game it played all over the place very rarely gave bars more xs for 5r as all it did either under pay or over pay

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