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Entertaining YouTubers - General Discussion - Stop and Step

Entertaining YouTubers


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Was wondering what are people's favourite most entertaining you tubers 

Mine is sdguy123 this guy is funny and I think a little mad always talking and rubbing the slot machine

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Slots wise; Stop and step is my fav (naturally) I used to enjoy hypalinx too as he seems genuine, but i  dont have as much time to watch you tube anymore so haven't followed him for a while.

For a bit of cheese I used to love a guy called jackhammerfilms (he doesnt upload anymore though).

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Brian Christopher, gets on my tits a bit but he's the most professional, IMHO

Chipmonkz, he doesn't know his arse from his elbow. His streams are so poor they're brilliant, very entertaining to watch, he's like King midas in reverse, everything he touches turns to shit. 

Smell my finger 😁😁😁

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