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The Bandit "oh my God" - Online Casinos - Stop and Step

The Bandit "oh my God"


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No, I said the latest one. I can't say what it is or I'll spoil it. 

Under each video on YouTube you'll see when each one is posted there. The jamming jars vid is weeks old. 

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I don't think it's luck or stupidity. It's all about being able to show that "BIG WIN" on YouTube, a viral video on YouTube is worth money. 

I've noticed Chipmonkz making a big thing about having their coffee delivered to them during their stream and when it arrives they drink it whilst holding the cup as close to the camera at every opportunity. More advertising for Starbucks on YouTube.? 

You only have to watch people like ASBYT, Andrew Camarata and My Self Reliance on YouTube to see how much money can be made from YouTube when it's done professionally. 


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