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Beating the £500 FOBT limit - General Discussion - Stop and Step

Beating the £500 FOBT limit


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When I was younger, a lot of the £15/£25 jackpot machines could pay out a lot more than the jackpot suggested. For instance, getting the mega streak, it could get to £25, take a credit, and then continue for another £25.

It got me wondering, why don’t arcade/FOBT games do this? You’ve seen the gambles on games like Spartacus where it values 75 and 100 spins as almost identical, as 75 spins should easily pay £400+ and 100 spins can only pay £500. It’s both satisfying and annoying when you hit the £500 when you’ve still got 20 odd spins left, so could they make a game that takes another £2 and then continues the bonus?

I’m no expert on the gaming regulations so this may have been banned, but it seems a way of overcoming the ceiling limit.

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