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Getting old? - The Mentholdan Lounge - Stop and Step

Getting old?

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64 last week, don't consider myself old, until now, "maybe" 

I live in a block of 40 apartments, we have parking for 12 cars, there is no roadside parking, "permit holders only" which costs quite a bit annually. Its not unusual to have to wait for a parking space, as was the case today. So I'm parked up in the middle of the car park, sat in the car waiting for someone to leave and I could take their spot. After 40 minutes a visitor comes out, gets in their car and drives off, literally as I turn the key in my ignition a car pulls into the car park straight into the space I'd waited for. I walked up to the drivers door and he wound his window down. I said "excuse me, I've just waited 40 minutes for that parking space" He replied, "do yourself a favour and fuck off, your too old to argue with me" 

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As a post script to the above, about 10 minutes from where I live two men were having an argument about a parking space in a supermarket car park. As one guy walked away the other guy got in his BMW and drove into and reversed back over the other guy"4 times". Obviously the man was dead and the friend who was with him is in intensive care. 

This is the world we now live in?? 

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I had a friend years ago who lived in a block of flats in London. A new block of flats. He has the same problem of finding a parking space. He took it up with the building manager and they said all the bays were all shared so there was nothing he could do. However on inspection of the flat deeds it turned out that his house was allocated bay xxx, so he got some cones and whenever he left he put them up in in the space and a sign saying PRIVATE PARKING  

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