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What is your favorite Casino site. - Online Casinos - Stop and Step

What is your favorite Casino site.


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I have to say that mine is Video slots because you get lots of free spins and also a weekend booster payed into your video account on a Friday and you seem to get more pay outs than other slot/game providers either way im hooked and love it.

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Video slots for me like! Best array of games and just seems to play better! Signed up to loads and £100s straight through without bonuses loads! Even when I lose of video slots I feel I’ve had a decent play! 

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I like Pink Casino... The wife had an account and I liked the way it was put together so I set one up myself. Also used to enjoy BGO until the day I had to deal with customer services over a minor issue that they turned from a mole hill into a mountain so voted with my feet and left them to it.

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