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2 questions about American casinos - why no gambles on their bandits and can anyone explain the stake system? - General Discussion - Stop and Step

2 questions about American casinos - why no gambles on their bandits and can anyone explain the stake system?


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Dear Anyone.

Sorry if I've asked this before and missed the answer somewhere - I've watched NG Slots and others in Vegas-style casinos - why don't their machines have pie-gambles on? You'd think in a place where everyone's trying to win thousands, a pie gamble would MAKE the casino thousands cos everyone would be gambling everything on it all the time (imagine if you could theoretically gamble any win up to the Grand Jackpot!) They've got bonus buys now - why no pie/card gambles (I think pie would be better for that style of bandit.)

Secondly - what spoils my Vegas-watching is not understanding the stake system.  (I'm sure I've asked this question before SOMEWHERE and forgotten the answer - hope it wasn't here!) I'm making this up so if it sounds wrong I hope you get the gist anyway - if you're doing, say, £50 a spin on £1 denom, then £50 a spin on, say, £5 denom - what's the difference? You're still spending £50 a spin, so what's the denom change done?

On our machines, different payouts are always with different sized bets (50p to £2) so the difference is obvious.  But I've seen Vegas players spending the same amount per bet but different denom - as it's the same amount, what's the difference?

Yours puzzledly


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