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Just call me the "Come Back Kid" - General Discussion - Stop and Step

Just call me the "Come Back Kid"


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The weather was so miserable on Sunday I thought “A nice trip to the seaside is in order as it will be quiet” so I woke this wife up and off we set on the 40 mile trip to Skegvegas.

Armed with my £500 pot we soon arrived on a grey drizzle soaked sea front and parked up.

Looking like the “Jolly Fisherman” as I skipped and hopped into my favourite arcade, with 3hrs on the parking meter I was ready to play.

I got off to a great start on a few slots by not losing too much then I hit Centurion on £2 fortune spins and it all rapidly went downhill.

Every time I  “Fortune Spins” it was 2,3,or some other low single digit number that paid nothing or close to it… It got so bad that after less than 1hr of playing I have enough credit for 3 spins with a rouge 80p left over.

I gave up at this point thinking on the bright side I thought at least the car should still be warm when I return to it!

I played the 3 credits “nothing”

80P left… I looked to see if there was a 50P stake for another go… No but there was a 40P stake lowered it to 40P and won £2.40 on the spin.

Upped it back to £2 and landed one of the bonuses “Privates on Parade” I think it was called and won about £60 which was doubled to £120 because I was playing at £2.

This was quickly followed by another bonus that paid over £100…

I switched machine and won another bundle… within about 30 minutes my 80P became about £400.

Then onto my slot of the day that paid over £380 on the first spin (there wasn’t a second).

It was looking sooo good even the wife was almost cracking a smile.

Then the inevitable happened… the wheel fell off playing “Cops n Robbers Gold”  

 It was a race against time… what was going to run out first, my money, or the parking clock?

Tension was building… dead spin after dead spin was dropping in… then a chink of light as a decent base game win appeared… but no bonus would come.

Then it happened…. I was summonsed away to retrieve the car before the parking police pounced on the pier car park…

I did it! I had money left.. my pocket was not empty it still contained paper pennies to the tune of £360.

Now that’s  what I call a come back     

Edited by Seaton-slots
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