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Casimba online casino - Online Casinos - Stop and Step

Casimba online casino


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I have been playing at Casimba for the first time today and I was playing a game that requires to collect x amount of symbols to progress to free spins, I logged out for a while and came back and the progress had reset. Casimba tells me this is because they don’t offer a save progress options on their casino. How does this work with games like Lil devil on their casino? They say that’s the same progress will be lost? Can anyone clarify this for me if they have played similar games here. Many thanks, Stuart 

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Hi, what game was it? I've not come across any that reset with slots that build up levels like Wild Swarm, Monopoly Megaways and Lil Devil. They have always saved their progress for me even after a very long time. 


Edit: I just checked my progress on Wild Swarm which I haven't played for several months and it's still saved. Currently on level 3.

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It was one of the new ones Gods of Power, you collect followers which build up power bars towards free spins, I just naturally assumed like any other game as you have mentioned the progress would save. What concerns me more is they were adamant that even games like Lil devil does not save which I know is a lie as I’ve seen it save for many people. Thanks 

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